Each apartment is provided with a numbered bin for general rubbish. Be considerate – don’t put your rubbish in other people's bins, and don’t dump noisy bottles early in the morning or late at night!

Collection is very early Tuesday morning, so put out your bin Monday evening. Bring in your bin as soon as possible on Tuesdays. Bins left in the street not only look awful, but if left out for more than a day, you are liable for a Council fine.

Hard rubbish
Call City of Port Phillip to arrange a hard rubbish collection

The City of Port Phillip operates a “Resource Recovery Centre” (otherwise known as a tip) at White St, South Melbourne. Depending on the amount, it’s free to dispose of stuff there - a bootload is fine. They take electronic goods, TVs, whitegoods, mattresses, furniture etc.  If you have a lot of hard rubbish to get rid of, you can book a collection by the Council online or call them on (03) 9209 6777.

The OC manages the recycling bins on your behalf. Please ensure you put only the allowed items in these bins:

  • Glass (bottles and jars only)
  • Plastic containers (codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
  • Long-life milk and juice cartons
  • Aluminium, steel cans, aerosols and clean foil
  • Paper and cardboard (non-waxed type only) – and please flatten cardboard boxes first!
NOTE: plastic bags are not recyclable! If you use plastic bags to carry recyclable rubbish to your bin, empty the bags into the recycle bin first, and put the bags in your general rubbish bin. Styrofoam containers are also not recyclable.

If bins are not regularly taken out and brought back in within 24 hours, or if rubbish is dumped and the caretaker has to carry out clean-up services, a charge for these services will be added to an owner’s account. It’s the responsibility of an owner to inform their tenants of this policy.

If you are aware of residents abusing these rules, email the OC Manager (info@verticali.co).