Parking, cars and garages
On site car parking bays are clearly marked with the number of the apartment to which they belong.
Residents may only park their allocated parking bay.
Visitors may park in one of the 15 visitor car bays provided by the OC but there are time limitations (see below).
Ardoch has a private parking agreement with the City of Port Phillip. Under this agreement, Council parking officers may be called out to issue a parking ticket if vehicles are found parked illegally within the Ardoch estate. Under the agreement, parked illegally means:
- Any vehicle parked in a numbered bay without the permission of the resident of the unit.
- Any vehicle parked in an area not marked as a parking bay, including lawn areas, pathways, roadways, and areas in front of buildings or garages.
- A resident's vehicle parked in a visitor parking bay at any time (this applies to owners, tenants or subtenants - a resident is anyone staying at Ardoch on an ongoing basis for any period).
- A visitor's vehicle parked in a visitor parking bay on more than three days or nights in any seven day period.
If you see an illegally parked vehicle, contact one of the Committee, who will arrange for a Parking Officer to be called out. Take a photo of the car and its registration number for the record.
Residents may apply for a permit from the City of Port Phillip to park on the eastern side of Pilley St. These permits allow vehicles to park beyond the 2-hour restriction (up to 60 days). An annual permit costs $81 (conc. $40; visitor $54).
Many of the garages have no dividing walls between them. Be aware – their automatic door opener systems can be triggered accidentally!
For the security of your property and that of your neighbours, please ensure your garage door closes when you leave and is closed overnight.

There are children, older people and pets at Ardoch. For safety's sake, PLEASE slow down! The maximum speed limit is 10 kph at all times.