Our gardens

Some of our trees are very old and very fragile. Please take care of them! Parents should discourage children from climbing them or swinging from their branches in case they break.

In past years, we have been challenged by very low rainfall and corresponding water restrictions, so the garden has been difficult to maintain. Most spray irrigation has been replaced with drip systems. The lawns have irrigation pipes and control wiring at shallow depths. To avoid damage to these underground pipes and wires, don’t use spikes to secure marquees, tents, picnic or games equipment.
Ardoch’s flowers are there for everyone to enjoy. Picking the occasional flower or two is fine but gathering whole bunches of flowers for personal use is not allowed. Similarly, herb plantings are there for everyone but be considerate and leave enough for others.
The OC has a contract with Maximum Growth to look after our gardens. If you have any ideas or comments about the gardens, please email the OC Manager (info@verticali.co).
Responding to requests by individual residents is not part of our contractor's duties, and is not allowed.
To be fair to all, any damage caused to the gardens or trees will be charged to the responsible owner. Owners should make their tenants aware of this!
Ardoch’s gardens and The Green are central to our beautiful surroundings.
Pot plants can be a welcome addition, adding colour and variety to our garden landscape.
However, there are a few simple rules to follow to ensure the safety of people and to avoid damage to property:
- If pots are placed on paths, please ensure they are well out of the way of passing pedestrians.
- If pots are placed on balconies or stairway pillars, please ensure they are on suitably sized saucers to ensure no excess water drips onto walls or stairs, as this can cause expensive water damage to those areas.
Policy approved by the Committee of Management at its meeting of 6 December 2017